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Q #1

CAT Word Usage: Khap Panchayats

Khap panchayats are extra-constitutional bodies in Haryana that decry (A) /decree(B) institutionalised atrocities.

The Khap leaders are universally criticised for imposing regressive diktats that fetter (A)/curb(B) women.

Patriarchal and misogynist, Khaps have played a key role in reducing Haryana’s sex ratio to an immeasurable (A)/abysmal (B) low.

The recent apex court directive against Khap panchayats holds the district administration including the police accountable for the prevention of the barbaric acts carried out at the behest(A)/recommendation(B) of the Khaps.


Q #2

CAT Word Usage: Environmental Lawsuit in Louisiana

The retraction (A)/hemorrhaging (B) of Louisiana’s coastal wetlands- the size of a football field an hour- has gone largely unremarked upon beyond state borders.

Beneath the surface, Louisiana's oil and gas industry has carved more than 50,000 wells since the 1920s, creating pockets of air in the marsh that accelerate the land’s subvention (A)/subsidence(B).

The oil and gas industry has extracted about $470 billion in natural resources from the state in the last two decades, with the tacit (A)/ tactile (B) blessing of the federal and state governments and without significant opposition from environmental groups.

So industry executives had reason to be surprised(A)/addled (B) when John M Barry, a historian and former college-football coach filed the most ambitious, wide-ranging environmental lawsuit in the history of the United States, asking them to pay damages.


Q #3

CAT Word Usage: Sports Interest in India

The rise of Indian athletes in global rankings across a variety of sports is a de facto (A)/critical (B) requirement for developing sustainable mass interest in these sports.

This needs to be complimented (A)/complemented (B) by some other initiatives, such as developing television-friendly competitive formats.

Notwithstanding early hurdles in invoking (A)/evoking (B) interest, it is heartening to see the emergence of Indian Premier League (IPL) formats in hockey, football, badminton and kabaddi.

The entry of big broadcasters into a sport invariably nurtures (A)/pushes (B) the ecosystem towards better facilities, training and production quality.


Q #4

CAT Word Usage: The Reservation List

The government deserves to be congratulated wholeheartedly for at long last bringing to an end one of the most pernicious (A) / pernickety (B) vestiges of the license-permit Raj.

Early this week, a notification was issued taking (A)/delisting (B) the last 20 products off the "reservation list" - the list of products that can legally be made only by small and medium enterprises, or SMEs.

Typically for such economic restrictions, this reservation for SMEs was counter-productive: not only did it stunt the sector, but it ensured the perpetuation (A)/perpetration (B) of monopolies.

The value of trade as the engine of domestic reform can hardly be underemphasized (A)/overemphasized (B).


Q #5

CAT Word Usage: International Crime Tribunals

In 1993, the UN Security Council established the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, and in 1994 it set up a second international tribunal to try the perpetrators (A)/ propagandists (B) of the Rwandan genocide.

Critics claimed that the tribunals were established to show (A)/cover (B) America's and Europe's shameful reluctance to intervene.

Perhaps, but it is also true that western powers had never before reached for such a fig leaf (A)/red herring(B).

Despite (A)/ With regard to (B) slow beginnings, heavy expense and many delays, both tribunals are bold attempts at implementing international humanitarian law.
